After the death of Franco, Juan Carlos I was proclaimed king in a political context of great uncertainty. A complex process of transition from dictatorship to lead a democratic system began. When Franco died, the differences between the "bunker", organized around figures like Blas Pinar, and "openings" sharpened. Among the latter there were political veterans dictatorship were convinced of the need for change, this was the case or Areilza Fraga, and young people who had not lived through the civil war and were to play a key role in the transition. Adolfo Suárez will be the key figure in this group.
- Las fuerzas de la derecha liberal eran muy débiles y se agrupaban en torno a figuras como Ruiz Gimenez y Gil Robles o los partidarios de Juan de Borbón, padre del monarca.
- Entre las fuerzas nacionalistas hay que destacar la aparición de una nueva fuerza hegemónica en Cataluña, Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya dirigida por Jordi Pujol.
- En el País Vasco, el Partido Nacionalista Vasco será la fuerza mayoritaria. Teóricamente contrario al terrorismo, en la práctica no se enfrentaba con las acciones de una ETA cada vez más activa.
- Entre las fuerzas de izquierda sobresalía el Partido Comunista de España, dirigido porSantiago Carrillo, y, sin lugar a dudas, el partido más organizado y activo al acabar la dictadura. El PSOE había celebrado un Congreso en Suresnes (Francia) en 1974 en el que un nuevo grupo dirigente organizado en torno a Felipe González y Alfonso Guerra había llegado al poder.
El nombramiento de Adolfo Suárez, joven político procedente del Movimiento, como nuevo presidente del gobierno fue recibido con decepción entre la opinión democrática.
- Forces of the liberal right were very weak and were grouped around figures like Ruiz Gimenez and Gil Robles or supporters of Juan de Borbon,the father of the monarch.
- Among the nationalist forces must highlight the emergence of a new hegemonic force in Catalonia, Democratic Convergence of Catalonia directed by Jordi Pujol.
- In the Basque Country, the Basque Nationalist Party is the majority force. Theoretically contrast to terrorism, in practice faced with the actions of an increasingly active ETA.
- Among the sticking forces left the Communist Party of Spain, led porSantiago Carrillo, and, undoubtedly, more organized and active party to end the dictatorship. The Socialist Party had held a Congress in Suresnes (France) in 1974 in which a new leadership group organized around Felipe González and Alfonso Guerra had come to power.
The appointment of Adolfo Suarez, a young politician from the Movement, as the new prime minister was met with disappointment among democratic opinion.
Spain's history is amazing..i like it,good post...